Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Merlin Mann on Creative Work

OK, I know I generally suck at this whole blogging thing, but you have to listen to this.

The Sound of Young America

Friday, July 10, 2009


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nice specs!

Dwyane Wade with Dwayne Wayne flip-up glasses. Perfection.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Image from robinstorm.blogspot.com

Whoa I am doing kind of a lot these days! Work has been waaay busy and it's not going to let up until mid-June. We are overworked and understaffed and sheesh!

Anyway, as if that weren't enough I've (quite happily and excitedly) volunteered myself to head up the print and email newsletters this year for Freewheelin' Farm, my CSA. I spoke to one of the partners, Amy, yesterday on the phone and I learned so much from a 15 minute conversation that my brain just might explode from all the learning come the end of the harvest season! Very interesting stuff and I'll probably be sharing more as it develops.

I'm also riding my bike to work again!!! And by 'my bike' I mean 'my new quite functional and awesome bike'. You can read more on my other blog if you are interested.

Plus, I want to start going to the gym again, and of course I am holding up my Wednesday studio date each week. And I just started this really cool project that I am still learning about with my sponsor, the lovely and talented Miss Noga. I think you have an inkling of what I am talking about, but I'll tell you more when I have more time!

Back to work!

Friday, May 1, 2009

my brakes done broke

I just realized that Bike to Work week is coming up and I broke my bike last week.
I guess one hundred-some-odd miles is a bit much for a cruiser to handle in a week--during my lunch hour last week the brakes were like "We're sooo tiiiired!" and they were definitely not working correctly. Lame-o. Time to balance the checkbook & hit up a bike shop.
I think it would be cool to build my own but I don't think I have the drive to take it that far yet.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It's been about a month since our last goal check-in, and I am feeling like my goals were a little too vague. I didn't really plan any steps to reaching them... oops, actually I did. I just didn't schedule those plans, so they didn't happen. anyways...
Now to revisit, get specific, and schedule next steps!

creativity + productivity
Specific goals: Utilize my studio space on a regular basis, to a) create some artistic work & b) make the monetary investment of rent worthwhile. I want to create some project-specific goals in the near future, like do more portraits.
Plan: Studio Wednesdays! I will make Wednesday evenings my time that I have to go to the studio. Starting tomorrow. Also, plan Syd's session.

abolishing the snooze button
Specific goal: I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can wake up happy and rested when my alarm goes off, turn off the alarm, and get out of bed!
Plan: I think Andy & I need to rearrange the bedroom so that we can both have end tables. I will talk to him about that tonight.

being healthy + glowing + awake
Specific goals: I want to build more muscle and lose my extra fat. I want clear skin. I want to have a clean bill of health. I want to fill out my health insurance application and get signed up!
Plan: I've begun biking to work! So there's cardio. Now I need to throw in some sit-ups, something to work my wiggly triceps, and other strength exercises. Any suggestions? Maybe ballet! I've been drinking a lot more water lately--even before this April heatwave--so I am hoping that will have positive effects. I am reading "You: Being Beautiful" which seems to have some good tips sprinkled amidst a lot of ideas I don't agree with. I'm only in part 1, so I'll let you know what I discover. Lastly, I'll call my agent this week to see if he can help me fill out my form.

conquering my apparent fear of housework
I am skipping this one for now because I can only do so much at a time. The kitchen looks great still and we don't live in a sty. Our apartment is just untidy!

being reliable + available
Specific goals: Be a person that people can count on to not leave them hanging, even if my answer is "no." Be on time. Take care of my day-to-day business promptly so that I'm available for anything exciting or urgent that may come up.
Plan: This one's hard to nail down! I know I can do all of it but the specific plan is eluding me... I'll just pick a couple specific things I can do: Be on time for work & appointments. Continue using my planner & don't procrastinate on what I've written in it!

getting a job that i love
skip. I'm happy & busy & really enjoying the long bike commute. I was just thinking, "Oh that would suck to work downtown 'cause then I wouldn't have to ride as far." So I'll just stay put for now.

nourishing my relationships
Specific goals: I actually have really specific goals for this one. I'm supposed to hang out with Richard soon. I've got a date with the fam for the Ducky Derby (You could come, too!). I need to write my cousin a letter.
Plan: Call Richard & my mom. I put my cousin's letter in my planner as a to-do this weekend.

I actually did go visit that guy I was talking about last time! He told me to work on shooting in fully manual mode (I use aperture priority right now).

becoming debt-free
Specific goal: Obvious.
Plan: Balance my checkbook tonight and plan out the next month.

continuing my education
Arg. I really want to say "skip" but I know that getting back into school in a reasonable amount of time (read: Fall 2010) could be difficult if I don't take the GRE this year. So,
Specific goals: Learn about the GRE. Take a GRE practice test. Study for the GRE. Pass the GRE with flying colors!
Plan: Sign up for a free test. Use the book you lent me to study.

It was good to get back into these!
Man, how quick does a month go by?!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

take that, credit report!

I just finished paying off my credit card debt!
Only a couple more bills to go!

grips 'n' gears, who needs em?

My cruiser loves me! The feeling is mutual.

My happy news is that I went ahead and did a test ride to work & back last Saturday!
After Andy & I went on a long ride a couple weekends ago, I decided maybe the cruiser could handle the trek--and I wouldn't have to wait for my purchase of a nicer commuter bike. It was a lot of fun and only took me about an hour each way. As much as I love the cruiser -- gears, grips, and a 'tween-the-crotch water bottle holder are definitely on my wishlist. Oh! and, strange to say, I'd be down for some bike shorts with the padding between the legs. Or corn starch. Oh god, am I going to become one of those biker types?

So, now that I know I can do it, I think I need to suck it up and just start doing it. And cancel the gym membership I never use. I was thinking it would be interesting to keep a running tally of the tons of CO2 that I avoid emitting from my Honda. I'm trying to figure out my car's emissions but I'm not 100% sure about the data I've gotten yet. Maybe you know something about this?

I went to CarbonFootprint.com and went to their home calculator. I set the time span for 1 year, then under the "car" tab, I entered "12,000" as my mileage for that time period, then entered my car's efficiency at 23 miles to the gallon. It told me that I emitted 4.57 tons of CO2 last year. ugh. Bill Chameides of the Environmental Defense Fund explains one way of visualizing the gas in his Climate 411 blog post, Picturing a Ton of CO2. I finally get it. I'm just curious to verify the information I got from the CarbonFootprint.com calculator. You can't believe everything you read on the internet... or can you?

Anyways, assuming the information is correct...

1 year : 12,000 miles : 4.57 tons CO2
1 day : 19.8 miles : 0.0075409 tons CO2

1 day of work: 19.8 miles roundtrip
Approx. 244 days of work last year: 4,831.2 miles total
4,831.2 miles/12,000 miles = 1.84 tons/4.57 tons
1.84 tons/244 days = 0.0075409 tons/day

So far my tally is at zero. Time to get on the bike!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

pesto tortellini

Image from CanaryGirl's Vox food blog. yum. I knew I shoulda taken my own picture last night!

You said you don't like any of the food you have made so far. Maybe you will like this. We made it last night & it was soooo good. We love buying the pre-made pesto (yay Buitoni! don't go for store-brand on this stuff) and we always eat it with cheese tortellini (frozen store-brand has treated us well so far on these). Last night we made the pesto from scratch!

First, go out and get yourself an herb cutter, food processor, or blender. I started out chopping the ingredients, thinking I could do it fine with a knife. I relented and brought out the blender and it made a nice creamy sauce (not too creamy though - pesto does have some texture).

Homemade Pesto Sauce

1 cup basil leaves, loosely packed
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp pine nuts or walnuts, chopped
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
Salt & pepper to taste

The instructions are simple and you can't really mess it up, especially since the sauce requires no cooking. Chop, mince, dice, tear, blend, puree, whatever! until everything is teeny and mixed up and sauce-like. To save time, put your water on to boil & cook 2 servings of your favorite pasta while you make the sauce. It doesn't seem to yield a lot of sauce but once you stir it all into the cooked pasta it gives it a pretty good coating all around. And you don't want to overdo the sauce:pasta ratio 'cause that raw garlic sure has a kick! (in a good way). We ate our pesto tortellini with a little salad with all the yummies on it like tomato, a bit of avo, croutons, etc.

If you end up trying the recipe, let me know what you think!

Friday, April 3, 2009

bike to work week

Have I told you about Pictures from a Bike?
The blogger is an Aptos woman who used to bike to work in SC every day before she became pregnant with twins last fall. And she stops to take pictures along the way!
I can't even remember the author's name (don't know if I ever knew it), but I just thanked her via comment for the inspiration she has been providing for months now. I think I discovered her last summer, and have since had this tiny idea that maybe one day I would do the same commute in reverse every day and we would wave 'hi' to each other on our way to work. And then maybe she'd let me post my own pictures-from-a-bike, too! I have commented on her blog a couple times before and she was very nice with her response.
The important part is that I've set a date for beginning to bike to work. You may have heard of it, it's this thing called Bike to Work Week. A fitting name, I guess. So now comes the legwork of finding a suitable bike, purchasing it, getting a snazzy helmet & gloves & whatnot, and doing a few practice rides on the weekend. eek - lots to do. All of a sudden May 12th doesn't seem so far away!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the ukulele is blowing up

I totally agree with you.

you lucky duck

I'm supposed to be sharing One Year with you, soooo...

Week 2: Schedules & Routines

- Get a planner. Consult it often! Remember, it only works when you actually write stuff in it.
- Identify scenes in your life that play out again and again that suck up your time. Put a routine in place to eliminate those scenes. ex. Lost keys all the time. Get a key hook. Make it a Habit to always place your keys on it.
- Learn to say "no" when you need to, in order to create balance between all aspects of your life (including rest and me-time). This step has two sides.
1. You don't have to be responsible for everything, for everyone. If you need some rest, you will be surprised to see that other people can handle what you decide not to (aka moving your friend's couch or something).
2. You think you can do things better or faster than other people ("This project is my baby and no one else touches it!" OR "It'll be easier if I just do it"). Let it go, if necessary. Giving up one responsibility frees up room to learn something new. I just went through this at work. The one thing I totally love doing is putting together the weekly email blast for one of our clients. They recently told us they will soon be doing them in-house to save $. I was like "Damnit! My one joy, gone!" but then I remembered this advice from One Year and I can only look forward to what I will be learning next.

Week 3: Kitchen Questions

- What specifically do you like & dislike about your kitchen?
- How do you use it currently? How do you want to use it & how often?
- What changes can you make to fix the things you dislike?
- Do a speed elimination to get rid of junk and duplicates. Go through every space in the kitchen super fast & get all the crap out!
- Invest in kitchen organizing tools that make sense for your needs. ex. drawer and shelf dividers, stool to reach high areas, spice rack, food canisters, stacking totes, spice rack, caddy for cleaning supplies.

Week 4: Whip that Kitchen into Shape

- Divide your kitchen and its contents into Zones: Regina says: Prep/Cook, Bake, Clean-up/Store but I'd like to add Serve to the list, 'cause when I was organizing our kitchen I discovered placemats and serving dishes and they didn't really fit with anything else.
- So you've separated your kitchen tools into categories--now don't forget to tidy up the pantry/cupboards. Organize your food! ex. baking supplies, snacks, soups & chili, canned veggies, pasta & sauces, etc.
- When you clean the kitchen, don't forget the fridge--inside & out! Visual clutter causes mental clutter.
- Don't be a wimp! Tackle the whole room, even scary areas like under the sink. This goes for every project you take on. Don't do it half-assed!
- Keep a paper pad handy to serve as a shopping list. You should be able to find it and add to it easily.

I've been traveling through One Year like my name was Marty McFly. No worries--still making progress!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I love points!

Ugh. My goals. It isn't pretty. Here is my progress so far. (I like grading myself.)

- Cook more!
Since the chili two weeks ago, I steamed some brussel sprouts. Once. It's so hard for me to cook because I honestly do not like anything I make myself. It's always so bland, sometimes it's not even edible. -1

- Continue learning.
Well, I signed up for an LSAT course which starts on April 13. I'm planning on taking the June LSAT, work on my law school application over the summer and apply to law school in the fall for the 2010-2011 school year. I'm giving myself some major pointage for this. +5

- Finish your upholstery project
Nope. Not a stitch. No attempts. I completely forgot about this goal! -2

- Buy a ukulele and learn how to play it.
Also not done. But I fear that the ukulele is blowing up and becoming a little cliche. 0

- Do laundry more than once every three or four weeks.
Ha! I did laundry this weekend. The last time I did laundry was three weeks ago. I still have that HUGE pile of dry cleaning in my closet. -2

- Spend less cha-ching.
Hmm. Well, I bought $1300 plane tickets last week and just spent $1000+ for the LSAT course, so my net worth is about -$2000. (I have some money saved, but I've also got student loanz, yo!) I think both purchases were necessary but I can't really gauge if I spent money in moderation over the last four weeks. 0

- Do something physical.
Now that it's springtime I walk to and from BART. That's one mile each way. It's not a lot of walking, and I do it as a leisurely pace (although leisurely for me is sort of brisk)--not a whole lot of proper exercise. What I had in mind was going on hikes or buying a new bike (I got rid of my former bike when I moved) and riding around on the weekends. -1


I really have no excuse for not getting out during the weekends. I live in a beautiful place with lots of walking trails. That's the goal I'm going to focus on next. I'll follow that up with laundry and spending less cha-ching.

i feel we may be losing sight...

...of those goals that we laid out over a month ago.
So, Totes, a recap.

on february 11th, I said I wanted to focus on:
creativity + productivity
abolishing the snooze button
being healthy + glowing + awake
conquering my apparent fear of housework
being reliable + available
getting a job that i love
nourishing my relationships + collaborating
becoming debt-free
continuing my education

on february 11th, you said you wanted to:
- Cook more!
- Continue learning.
- Finish your upholstery project
- Buy a ukulele and learn how to play it.
- Do laundry more than once every three or four weeks.
- Spend less cha-ching.
- Do something physical.

How are we doing?

Well, I guess I'll go first...
I am having a hard time getting over to my studio as often as I would like to. Really, I only make it in about once a week. I am using a planner now, though--as of last week! I am going to pencil in all the things I hope to do along with all the things I am supposed to do--like, hey! pay my parking tickets on time to avoid an extra 30 bucks! whaddyaknow!

hmmm, before I move on I want to speak more about my planner. I think I may fall in love with it. It's a teeny 3-ring binder that holds half-sheets of paper. Bought it at Staples a long time ago for work but discovered it was useless for the purpose I had in mind. Now I have outfitted it with little tabs for sections--month-at-a-glance, weekly planner, financial planning (used to be on paper scraps), project ideas, and project planning. And other shit too, like notes and whatnot. DIY Planner inspired me but they have ugly layouts so I had to make my own in InDesign. Plus it was one of the things I was supposed to get according to One Year :)
...and moving on...

Oh my god "abolish the snooze button"! No progress on that one. If anything I have been having more trouble with waking up. Andy lays between me and the alarm clock. It goes off, he slaps the snooze button for me! I don't even have to roll over or get my arms out & cold or anything! This is not working. Either I need to switch places with him or move the clock or something. I need to see the damn time before the snooze button is hit. Or else I have no concept of what time it is and am very happy to continue laying in bed/in ignorance. Going to do something about this tonight. Tally ho!

healthy + glowing + awake. I have not exercised in eons... Although I did shovel a very long driveway clear of a foot and a half of snow on Sunday! With Andy's help. I did at least 50% of the work though! And I was realllllly happy that my back could take it. It didn't even hurt yesterday or today! Which is awesome because I could really feel it getting weak on Saturday when we were helping Andy's mom move her quilt shop. I was caught between wanting to be as helpful as possible and not wanting to relive that week of bedrest I was subjected to last June. That sucked. The other thing I need to do is get my health insurance application filled out. Gotta find that old policy number.

housework. making progress. One Year is helping.

reliable + available. I haven't flaked out on anyone. I've been on-time to work an unusual amount of times recently. I've communicated with my mom a bit more regularly.

getting a job i love... well, I am finding ways to love my job. I am also dreaming about working on a farm, or as a ranchhand, or a photographer, or a book-reader! Know of any job openings for a book-reader? 'Cause I shore do love readin' dem books.

relationships. I've been seeing friends and family. I could do more though. Write some letters. Make some phone calls. See my sister more often.

collaborations. I haven't taken a single step on developing this. There is one guy I should call who offered to take me on a sports photo shoot.

Debt-free! Working on it. Like I said, so close I can almost see the day.

Continuing my education. Recently, I've read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell and half of After Photography by Fred Ritchin. I highly recommend the former and would like to chat about its pros and cons if you decide to check it out. The latter is pretty heavy. Mentally. Still need to wrap my head around it. On the other side of the spectrum, I have not looked into grad school at all. I don't know where to start. I'm not particulary interested in committing four more years to UCSC although I loved my time there. And I'm not particularly interested in moving away. What to do, what to do. I suppose browsing is my first step.

I can't begin to list more goals or wishes until I get through some of these... too much for my brain!

And, what about you? What obstacles are you up against? What have you been up to that you are pleased with?

ps I like calling you Totes 'cause it's like Toots.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chili-less Vegetarian Black Bean Chili

I told you I wouldn't post unless I accomplished something. And what, pray tell, did I accomplish tonight? In honor of Top Chef--though the season finale was two weeks ago--I made VEGETARIAN BLACK BEAN CHILI!! Halfway into cooking, I realized that I didn't have any chili powder, so I just threw in random spices, peppers and such. I wouldn't say it was delicious but it was dinner. Plus, I have leftovers for tomorrow's lunch... and Friday's... and Monday's... etc.

While I was cooking I had to deal with a kitty whose face was swelling up due to exposure to onions. I ended up putting her in the bathroom; at first I tried the trick of sticking our heads in the freezer. (Is that cruel?) The second I put her back on the ground, her eyes would tear up and her face would get puffy. To the bathroom, she went!

Even though I don't have a copy of One Year myself, I followed one of the habits tonight. I did all my dishes after cooking--yes, even the sauce pots, which I almost always just leave dirty on the stove until the next time I need it. (Is that gross?)

Speaking of One Year, I don't know if you noticed this on my coffee table when you were over this weekend--awesome weekend, by the way--but I also did a weekly activities breakdown. Great minds think alike because I didn't do it by percentages either. I already threw away my calculations of actual activities, but I have my goals sitting on my coffee tables. I must have calculated this two or three weeks ago, but I haven't followed it once. Actually, maybe today. I did cooking/eating/cleanup for two hours, and in a little bit I will be watching the second part of my one hour of TV (the first part was, and always will be, Jeopardy!).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the general consensus

Thanks to you and Dana for being good sports and letting me make you uncomfortable for long periods of time. At the beginning of our shoots, I could tell that you two really hated being in front of the camera, but by the end you had gotten used to it. Which means..... we have to plan another one! I promise it will be less painful this time as we are both getting practice.
What an awesome bay area weekend! I came home Sunday night thoroughly exhausted from all the good times. Thanks for having me over and chauffeuring me around and bearing with me when I found treasure at the White Elephant Sale and waking me up with Daisy Dukes.

I'm glad we both took the time to hang out with good people whom we haven't seen in awhile. And I'm glad we got ric rolled at Sangha.

In "One Year" news, I'm a bit behind on the kitchen stuff but still holding strong with the Habits. I am seeing myself adopting the "everything in its place" mindset and also not being so lazy as I have been in the past. CAN I PLEASE SAY THANK YOU AGAIN! Even if I reaped no further benefit from the book for the rest of the year, I am pleased as punch at how our kitchen feels now. Everything is clean and making dinner or even a snack is never a battle because something's out of place or dirty. Yay!

I did complete the exercise that I was avoiding, where you have to find out where you spend your time. I listed everything I do and everything I want to be doing. Then instead of applying current percentages, I just wrote how many hours per week I spend on each thing. Exercise got a zero... Studio time got like a 1... Sleeping got a 56... Jaguar got 45... etc... The second half of the exercise is reworking the percentages (hours) to match your goals. I was incredibly surprised to find that there is plenty of time for me to engage myself in all the activities I want to be working on & doing. At least on paper. So I have this idea inspired by Dylan's workout tracker (which he previously developed into a task tracker for me for logging hours spent on projects at work). I'm going to mock one up to use for the entire week and see if I am realistically able to stick to my new goal times.
Okay! So many words! I'll show you the tracker once I have it put together.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

pretty colors

(I hope you are ready for this weekend because I am going to shoot pictures of you.)

I took this picture last Saturday, during what I believe was my 1st ever shoot of another human being. I always take pictures of trees & flowers & buildings & shapes & what-not. When I do take a picture of someone, it is only 1 or 2 pictures, not a series with the intention of capturing a good portrait.

So this was new for me. A little challenging. But working with Sabrina was easy because she is a friend and likes to be in front of the camera. I'm glad I made an effort to stop napping and get out of the house to do this, as I had momentarily considered putting it off. The fact that it wasn't raining helped a bunch.

I also made it to my studio for an hour yesterday and plan to go work some more this evening. yay.

I'll have the rest of my favorite pictures from Saturday up on the SBPC tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

excited & nervous

With a whole 3 days under my belt, I can say that I am very excited to be sticking to my Habits of the Month. But I am nervous because each month will add new tasks to the list of things I need to do every day. Shit.
Sounds like a challenge. But at the end of the day, I am thinking, " Yes! I did it! I'm proud! This is all clean!"
So it's worth it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

all my ducks in a row

One Year to an Organized Life by Regina Leeds

Thanks so much! I was super-excited to get this present in the mail last Sunday because when you told me about it Friday I was very eager to start.

In the intro, Miss Regina says that it is best to let her words percolate for a few days, but since I was already in agreement with her, I thought it was fine to just move on to Chapter One the next day. I think the most important thing I found in the intro was that "disorganized" people are actually already organized. They've just created a system and routine that works against them rather than for them.

So I'm sure you flipped through it enough to see that the first month focuses on learning time management and making your kitchen awesome. Which I am excited for since I love to cook.

The Habits of the Month (yes, I am using caps for these) are:
- Wash your dishes right after you use them (or at least once a day)
- Dry them and put them away immediately after washing
- Wipe off the counters and table after each use
- Once a day, take out the garbage

I think it is fucking hilarious that our culture has gotten to the point where we truly appreciate a book that is basically telling us to do our chores! But I am definitely gonna follow this. The rules for the Habits are that you have to do them everyday for at least 21 days. Then it should continue naturally. I also added one more unrelated Habit because it is a big problem for me:

- At the end of the day, throw my clothes in the hamper or hang them back up

I am very good at creating piles of fabric all over the house. Clean laundry taking up a chair. A pair of jeans that doesn't deserve the hamper yet goes on the floor by the bed instead and eventually gets mixed in with dirty socks until I just say screw it and have to wash everything. Or leave the whole mess on the floor for another couple of weeks. In short, this is awful!

Taking out the garbage once a day will help with our ant problem; we just need to bring in our smaller garbage can and use smaller bags.

Lastly, Week One Assignments:

A. Get acquainted with your organizing journal (which you are supposed to use throughout the year). Take 4 days out of this week to write about the following topics. Allot yourself only 10-30 minutes so you don't waste time going on an emotional writing spree (because we are supposed to be learning time management).
1. Think back to your childhood. What specific memories do you have about time and time management? Were your parents late or punctual? Did you ever procrastinate? Looking at old photos or talking with family can bring up memories.
2. How were you affected by parental dramas regarding time? How do you feel about your parents? Did you try to emulate them or rebel against them? Is this reflected in how you manage your time today?
3. Are you usually on-time or late? If you are late or procrastinate, did you used to be on-time until some event happened to change that (changing schools, accident, etc)?
4. Does being late bother you? Does being late make you feel special because everyone is waiting for you? What emotions do you have when you think about tardiness?
You may not have any emotional baggage related to time management, procrastination, and being on-time. Fabulous.

B. Set positive time management goals and write them in the present tense, like "I no longer lose important papers," and "I don't take on more than I can handle," and "I am always on-time for my appointments." Be ambitious but realistic. Of course as time goes on you can edit your goals.

C. Where does your time go? Make a list in your journal of things you spend your time on. Then write the percentage of your time that each activity takes up. Make a revised list that has what you want to spend your time doing and what percentage of your time you want to spend doing it. Decide what you really want out of life, and schedule it in. Eliminate what you think is wasting your time.

Awww, the last tip for Week One is to communicate with someone who has your best interest at heart and wants to see you succeed. Yeah, buddy!

ps sorry about the novel, but you said to share the info with you!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

oooOooooOOOOooo sparkly!

I went on a rampage yesterday cleaning the house. I did all the dishes, tidied up every part of the bedroom (that was ALOT of work--how can like 20 square feet hold so much crap? ok so its more than 20 but whatever), vacuumed up the 3.5 billion ants that have taken up residence, and some other crap.

I also discovered RuPaul's Drag Race.

("RuPaul's Drag Race! May the best woman--Best Woman--win!") You should watch at least one episode.
...also, I thought it would be good to list...
Eleven Things I Like About My Job
1. Our office is decorated like a jungle.
2. I don't have to do anything disgusting.
3. I can take lunch whenever I want.
4. We have some pretty awesome people as clients.
5. Other clients offer challenges. Challenges are good...
6. I like my coworkers.
7. Brendan brings his dog Sam who is the coolest dog!
8. Sometimes I sneak in time to read design magazines, but it's close enough to still qualify as "work."
9. We have fun Christmas parties.
10. Everyone gets presents on their birthday.
11. Everyday is another opportunity for me to practice being on-time (it doesn't come naturally to me!).
umm that's it for now...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One out of five ain't bad

In the past week, the only goal that I attempted was laundry. I did most of my laundry on Monday, but I ran out of quarters, so my reds will go another couple days unwashed. I also need to take a bunch of clothing to the dry cleaners. I've had a dedicated dry cleaning pile for about a year and a half. Yikes!

Bird is walking all over my belly right now, by the way. Is she taunting me?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

fudge is good

"So are brownies," Holley says.

My sister and I were playing with my camera and her nifty blacklight pen. Using a long shutter speed, she was able to write this profound message in the air in my dark living room.

It's turned into her science project that is due this Friday. She is testing a bunch of shutter/aperture combinations to see which produce the best image.

So Holley has been over a lot to work on this, which is great because one of my goals is to make myself more available for my sister, and I love woking on school projects with her because she gets into her schoolwork--sometimes she seems bored or over it.

Next thing I want to work on with her is her penmanship, although I do like whatever font she chose for her 'fudge' picture.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

List: A KK Production

Good ish, J.

You're one of the most creative people I know, so I feel that number 1 should be easy. I know it's really hard to make time out of every single week to go to your studio, but how about just two or three hours. Wake up on Saturday, get some coffee, walk (!) over to your studio and do your thing. You know, that thing that you creative types do.

No tips on the snooze button. Blame my dumpy butt-less parents, but I never knew about the snooze button until college. Since then, I've used it... once? I actually turn my alarm clock off when I want to sleep in. Lillian, a former roommate of mine, once caught me unplugging it while half asleep. I've read that you should place your alarm clock out of reach to keep yourself from hitting that beautiful little button. Try that.

"healthy + glowing + awake" I hear ya. "get a job that i love" Ditto. "continue learning" Yup.

My list:

- Cook more! I'm not a great cook but I like to do it. As with almost everything else, I'm not motivated to do it daily... hell, weekly.
- Continue learning. Long term: Maybe law school. Short term: I don't know. A Portuguese class? In that vein, I need to do something with my hands. I've never been very crafty nor am I musically-inclined, but I have to 1) Finish my upholstery project and 2) Buy a ukulele and... er... learn how to play it.
- Do laundry more than once every three or four weeks. (No joke.)
- Spend less cha-ching. I'm not bad at saving per se, but I could always save more.
- Do something physical. I've been so sedetary in the past six months. Yuck.

In sum: cook, learn, wash, save, move.

a list

i'm tired. but i want to get this ball rolling. so, a list.

creativity + productivity
abolish the snooze button
healthy + glowing + awake
conquer my apparent fear of housework
be reliable + available
get a job that i love
nourish my relationships + collaborate
debt-free (i'm really close on this one)
continue learning (i'm contemplating returning to school)

something much more interesting to come soon.

what an emotionless post...

Top Chef Wednesday

A few weeks ago, I decided that one way that I could lose my dumpy butt would be to cook myself a complete dinner (as in, not tomato soup from a can and some pita and hummus) every Wednesday to coincide with the airing of Top Chef.

Well, it's Top Chef Wednesday, and I'm writing my maiden post on our new blog, I Dip, You Dip, We Dip, instead of slaving over my stove. I'm not starving though; I stopped by the hot food bar at Piedmont Grocery and grabbed a tamale and some three bean salad. My lazy, dumpy butt is here to stay.

S'ppose we're in this together, J. Put your hands up on your hips, and let's dip.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a small dose of non-dumpy-butt

we had unexpected company tonight, but otherwise--we got a lamp fixed that has been unfixed for about 6 months.
how's that for a dumpy butt?