Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It's been about a month since our last goal check-in, and I am feeling like my goals were a little too vague. I didn't really plan any steps to reaching them... oops, actually I did. I just didn't schedule those plans, so they didn't happen. anyways...
Now to revisit, get specific, and schedule next steps!

creativity + productivity
Specific goals: Utilize my studio space on a regular basis, to a) create some artistic work & b) make the monetary investment of rent worthwhile. I want to create some project-specific goals in the near future, like do more portraits.
Plan: Studio Wednesdays! I will make Wednesday evenings my time that I have to go to the studio. Starting tomorrow. Also, plan Syd's session.

abolishing the snooze button
Specific goal: I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can wake up happy and rested when my alarm goes off, turn off the alarm, and get out of bed!
Plan: I think Andy & I need to rearrange the bedroom so that we can both have end tables. I will talk to him about that tonight.

being healthy + glowing + awake
Specific goals: I want to build more muscle and lose my extra fat. I want clear skin. I want to have a clean bill of health. I want to fill out my health insurance application and get signed up!
Plan: I've begun biking to work! So there's cardio. Now I need to throw in some sit-ups, something to work my wiggly triceps, and other strength exercises. Any suggestions? Maybe ballet! I've been drinking a lot more water lately--even before this April heatwave--so I am hoping that will have positive effects. I am reading "You: Being Beautiful" which seems to have some good tips sprinkled amidst a lot of ideas I don't agree with. I'm only in part 1, so I'll let you know what I discover. Lastly, I'll call my agent this week to see if he can help me fill out my form.

conquering my apparent fear of housework
I am skipping this one for now because I can only do so much at a time. The kitchen looks great still and we don't live in a sty. Our apartment is just untidy!

being reliable + available
Specific goals: Be a person that people can count on to not leave them hanging, even if my answer is "no." Be on time. Take care of my day-to-day business promptly so that I'm available for anything exciting or urgent that may come up.
Plan: This one's hard to nail down! I know I can do all of it but the specific plan is eluding me... I'll just pick a couple specific things I can do: Be on time for work & appointments. Continue using my planner & don't procrastinate on what I've written in it!

getting a job that i love
skip. I'm happy & busy & really enjoying the long bike commute. I was just thinking, "Oh that would suck to work downtown 'cause then I wouldn't have to ride as far." So I'll just stay put for now.

nourishing my relationships
Specific goals: I actually have really specific goals for this one. I'm supposed to hang out with Richard soon. I've got a date with the fam for the Ducky Derby (You could come, too!). I need to write my cousin a letter.
Plan: Call Richard & my mom. I put my cousin's letter in my planner as a to-do this weekend.

I actually did go visit that guy I was talking about last time! He told me to work on shooting in fully manual mode (I use aperture priority right now).

becoming debt-free
Specific goal: Obvious.
Plan: Balance my checkbook tonight and plan out the next month.

continuing my education
Arg. I really want to say "skip" but I know that getting back into school in a reasonable amount of time (read: Fall 2010) could be difficult if I don't take the GRE this year. So,
Specific goals: Learn about the GRE. Take a GRE practice test. Study for the GRE. Pass the GRE with flying colors!
Plan: Sign up for a free test. Use the book you lent me to study.

It was good to get back into these!
Man, how quick does a month go by?!

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