Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Image from robinstorm.blogspot.com

Whoa I am doing kind of a lot these days! Work has been waaay busy and it's not going to let up until mid-June. We are overworked and understaffed and sheesh!

Anyway, as if that weren't enough I've (quite happily and excitedly) volunteered myself to head up the print and email newsletters this year for Freewheelin' Farm, my CSA. I spoke to one of the partners, Amy, yesterday on the phone and I learned so much from a 15 minute conversation that my brain just might explode from all the learning come the end of the harvest season! Very interesting stuff and I'll probably be sharing more as it develops.

I'm also riding my bike to work again!!! And by 'my bike' I mean 'my new quite functional and awesome bike'. You can read more on my other blog if you are interested.

Plus, I want to start going to the gym again, and of course I am holding up my Wednesday studio date each week. And I just started this really cool project that I am still learning about with my sponsor, the lovely and talented Miss Noga. I think you have an inkling of what I am talking about, but I'll tell you more when I have more time!

Back to work!

Friday, May 1, 2009

my brakes done broke

I just realized that Bike to Work week is coming up and I broke my bike last week.
I guess one hundred-some-odd miles is a bit much for a cruiser to handle in a week--during my lunch hour last week the brakes were like "We're sooo tiiiired!" and they were definitely not working correctly. Lame-o. Time to balance the checkbook & hit up a bike shop.
I think it would be cool to build my own but I don't think I have the drive to take it that far yet.