Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the general consensus

Thanks to you and Dana for being good sports and letting me make you uncomfortable for long periods of time. At the beginning of our shoots, I could tell that you two really hated being in front of the camera, but by the end you had gotten used to it. Which means..... we have to plan another one! I promise it will be less painful this time as we are both getting practice.
What an awesome bay area weekend! I came home Sunday night thoroughly exhausted from all the good times. Thanks for having me over and chauffeuring me around and bearing with me when I found treasure at the White Elephant Sale and waking me up with Daisy Dukes.

I'm glad we both took the time to hang out with good people whom we haven't seen in awhile. And I'm glad we got ric rolled at Sangha.

In "One Year" news, I'm a bit behind on the kitchen stuff but still holding strong with the Habits. I am seeing myself adopting the "everything in its place" mindset and also not being so lazy as I have been in the past. CAN I PLEASE SAY THANK YOU AGAIN! Even if I reaped no further benefit from the book for the rest of the year, I am pleased as punch at how our kitchen feels now. Everything is clean and making dinner or even a snack is never a battle because something's out of place or dirty. Yay!

I did complete the exercise that I was avoiding, where you have to find out where you spend your time. I listed everything I do and everything I want to be doing. Then instead of applying current percentages, I just wrote how many hours per week I spend on each thing. Exercise got a zero... Studio time got like a 1... Sleeping got a 56... Jaguar got 45... etc... The second half of the exercise is reworking the percentages (hours) to match your goals. I was incredibly surprised to find that there is plenty of time for me to engage myself in all the activities I want to be working on & doing. At least on paper. So I have this idea inspired by Dylan's workout tracker (which he previously developed into a task tracker for me for logging hours spent on projects at work). I'm going to mock one up to use for the entire week and see if I am realistically able to stick to my new goal times.
Okay! So many words! I'll show you the tracker once I have it put together.

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